Most Relevant Papers

Berto A, Van der Poel WH, Hakze-van der Honing R, Martelli F, La Ragione RM, Inglese N, Collins J, Grierson S, Johne R, Reetz J, Dastjerdi A, Banks M. 2013. Replication of hepatitis E virus in three-dimensional cell culture. J. Virol. Methods. 187:327-332

Calgua B, Fumian T, Rusiñol M, Rodriguez-Manzano J, Mbayed VA, Bofill-Mas S, Miagostovich M, Girones R. 2013. Detection and quantification of classic and emerging viruses by skimmed-milk flocculation and PCR in river water from two geographical areas. Water Res. 47:2797-2810

Carratalà, A., Rodriguez-Manzano, J., Hundesa, A., Rusiñol, M., Fresno, S., Cook, N., Girones R. 2013. Effect of temperature and sunlight on the stability of human adenoviruses and MS2 as fecal contaminants on fresh produce surfaces. Int J Food Microbiol. 164:128-134

de Abreu Corrêa A, Miagostovich MP. 2013. Optimization of an Adsorption-Elution Method with a Negatively Charged Membrane to Recover Norovirus from Lettuce. Food Environ Virol. [Epub ahead of print]

Mans J, Netshikweta R, Magwalivha M, van Zyl WB, Taylor MB. 2013. Diverse norovirus genotypes identified in sewage polluted river water in South Africa. Epidemiol and Infect. 141:303-313

Murray TY, Mans J, Taylor MB. 2013. First detection of sapoviruses in river water in South Africa. Water Sci and Technol. 67:2776-2783

Murray TY, Mans J, Taylor MB. 2013. Human calicivirus diversity in wastewater in South Africa. J Appl Microbiol. 114:1843-1853

Murray TY, Mans J, van Zyl WB, Taylor MB. 2013. Application of a competitive internal amplification control for the detection of sapoviruses in wastewater. Food Environ Virol. 5:61-68

Backer JA, Berto A, McCreary C, Martelli F, van der Poel WHM. 2012. Transmission dynamics of hepatitis E virus in pigs: Estimation from field data and effect of vaccination. Epidemics. 4:86-92

Berto A, Backer J, Mesquita J, Nascimento MSJ, Banks M, Martelli F, Ostanello F, Angeloni G, di Bartolo I, Ruggeri FM, Vasickova P, Diez-Valcarce M, Hernandez M, Rodriguez-Lazaro D, van der Poel, WHM. 2012. Prevalence and transmission of hepatitis E virus in domestic swine populations in different European countries. BMC Res Notes. 5:190-196

Berto A, Martelli F, Grierson S, Banks M. 2012. Hepatitis E virus in pork food chain, United Kingdom, 2009–2010. Emerg Infect Dis. 18:1358-1360

D’Agostino M, Cook N, Di Bartolo I, Ruggeri FM, Bertolli A, Martelli F, Banks M, Vasickova P, Kralik P, Pavlik I, Kokkinos P, Vantarakis A, Söderberg K, Maunula L, Verhaelen K, Rutjes S, de Roda Husman AM, Hakze R, van der Poel W, Kaupke A, Kozyra I, Rzeżutka A, Prodanov J, Lazic S, Petrovic T, Carratala A, Gironés R, Diez-Valcarce M, Hernandez M, Rodriguez-Lazaro D. 2012. Multicenter collaborative trial evaluation of a method for detection of human adenoviruses in berry fruit. Food Anal Methods. 5:1-7

de Abreu Corrêa A, Carratala A, Barardi CR, Calvo M, Girones R, Bofill-Mas S. 2012. Comparative inactivation of murine norovirus, human adenovirus and human JC polyomavirus by chlorine in seawater. Appl Environ Microbiol. 78:6450-6457

Di Bartolo I, Diez-Valcarce M, Vasickova P, Kralik P, Hernandez M, Angeloni G, Ostanello F, Bouwknegt M, Rodríguez-Lázaro D, Pavlik I, Ruggeri FM. 2012. Hepatitis E Virus in Pork Production Chain in Czech Republic, Italy, and Spain, 2010. Emerg Infect Dis. 18:1282-1289

Ganime AC, Carvalho-Costa FA, Mendonça MC, Vieira CB, Santos M, Costa Filho R, Miagostovich MP, Leite JP. 2012. Group A rotavirus detection on environmental surfaces in a hospital intensive care unit. Am J Infect Control. 40:544-547. [Epub 2011 Oct 22]

Kokkinos P, Kozyra I, Lazic S, Bouwknegt M, Rutjes S, Willems K, Moloney R, de Roda Husman AM, Kaupke A, Legaki E, D'Agostino M, Cook N, Rzeżutka A, Petrovic T, Vantarakis A. 2012. Harmonised investigation of occurrence of human enteric viruses in the leafy green vegetables supply chain in three European countries. Food Environ Virol. 4:179-191

Verhaelen K, Bouwknegt M, Lodder-Verschoor F, Rutjes S, de Roda Husman AM. 2012. Persistence of human norovirus GII.4 and GI.4, murine norovirus, and human adenovirus on soft berries as compared with PBS at commonly applied storage conditions. Int J Food Microbiol. 160:137-144

Verhaelen K, Bouwknegt M, Rutjes S, de Roda Husman AM. 2012. Persistence of human norovirus in reconstituted pesticides — Pesticide application as a possible source of viruses in fresh produce chains. Int J Food Microbiol. 160:323-328

Ambrožič M, Božič T, Jevšnik M, Cook N, Raspor P. 2011. Compliance of proposed Codex Alimentarius guidelines for virus management with principles of good practice. Acta Alimentaria. 40:364-375

Bosch A, Sánchez G, Abbaszadegan M, Carducci A, Guix S, Le Guyader FS, Netshikweta R, Pintó RM, van der Poel WHM, Rutjes S, Sano D, Taylor MB, van Zyl WB, Rodríguez-Lázaro D, Kovač K, Sellwood J. 2011. Analytical methods for virus detection in water and food. Food Anal Methods. 4:4-12

D’Agostino M, Cook N, Rodriguez-Lazaro D, Rutjes S. 2011. Nucleic acid amplification-based methods for detection of enteric viruses: definition of controls and interpretation of results. Food Environ Virol. 2:55-60

Diez-Valcarce M, Kovač K, Cook N, Hernández M, Rodríguez-Lázaro D. 2011. Construction and analytical application of internal amplification controls (IAC) for detection of food supply chain-relevant viruses by real-time PCR-based assays. Food Anal Methods. 4:437-445

Fumian TM, Leite JP, Rose TL, Prado T, Miagostovich MP. 2011. One year environmental surveillance of rotavirus specie A (RVA) genotypes in circulation after the introduction of the Rotarix® vaccine in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Water Res. 45:5755-5763. [Epub 2011 Sep 1]

Martínez-Martínez M, Diez-Valcarce M, Cook N, Hernández M, Rodríguez-Lázaro D. 2011. Evaluation of extraction methods for efficient detection of enteric viruses in pork meat products. Food Anal Methods. 4:13-22

Prado T, Silva DM, Guilayn WC, Rose TL, Gaspar AM, Miagostovich MP. 2011. Quantification and molecular characterization of enteric viruses detected in effluents from two hospital wastewater treatment plants. Water Res. 45:1287-1297. [Epub 2010 Oct 20]

Kiulia NM, Netshikweta R, Page NA, van Zyl WB, Kiraithe MM, Nyachieo A, Mwenda JM, Taylor MB. 2010. The detection of enteric viruses in selected urban and rural river water and sewage in Kenya, with special reference to rotaviruses. J Appl Microbiol. 109:818-828

Rose TL, Miagostovich MP, Leite JP. 2010. Rotavirus A genotype G1P[8]: a novel method to distinguish wild-type strains from the Rotarix vaccine strain. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 105:1068-1072

Miagostovich MP, Ferreira FF, Guimarães FR, Fumian TM, Diniz-Mendes L, Luz SL, Silva LA, Leite JP. 2008. Molecular detection and characterization of gastroenteritis viruses occurring naturally in the stream waters of Manaus, central Amazonia, Brazil. Appl Environ Microbiol. 74:375-82. [Epub 2007 Dec 7]

Venter JME, van Heerden J, Vivier JC, Grabow WOK, Taylor MB. 2007. Hepatitis A virus in surface water in South Africa: What are the risks?. J Water Health. 5:229-240.

In Press
Carratalà A, Rusiñol M, Rodriguez-Manzano J, Guerrero-Latorre L, Sommer R, Girones R. 2013. Environmental effectors on the inactivation of human adenoviruses in water. Food Environ Virol.

Verhaelen K, Bouwknegt M, Carratala A, Lodder-Verschoor F, Diez-Valcarce M, de Roda Husman AM, Rutjes SA. 2013. Virus transfer proportions between gloved fingertips, soft berries, and lettuce, and associated health risks. Int J Food Microbiol

Britz TJ, Sigge GO, Buys EM, Schmidt S, Potgieter N, Taylor MB. Synthesis Report In: Britz TJ, Sigge GO (eds). Quantitative investigation into the link between irrigation water quality and food safety. Vol. I Research Report November 2012 WRC Report no.: 1773/1/12 ISBN 978-1-4312-0374-1

Britz TJ, Sigge GO, Buys EM, Schmidt S, Potgieter N, Taylor MB. Baseline study on extent (types and quantities) of contamination found in irrigation water at selected sites. In: Britz TJ, Sigge GO (eds). Quantitative investigation into the link between irrigation water quality and food safety. Vol. II Research Report November 2012 WRC Report no.: 1773/2/12 ISBN 978-1-4312-0375-8

Britz TJ, Sigge GO, Buys EM, Schmidt S, Potgieter N, Taylor MB. Extent of contamination in irrigation water and links to irrigated produce at-harvest: with further exploratory study of contamination of produce at point-of-retail. In: Britz TJ, Sigge GO (eds). Quantitative investigation into the link between irrigation water quality and food safety. Vol. IV Research Report November 2012 WRC Report no.: 1773/4/12 ISBN 978-1-4312-0377-2

Barnes JM and Taylor MB. Health risk assessment in connection with the use of microbiologically contaminated source waters for irrigation. March 2004 WRC Report No.: 1226/1/04 ISBN 1-7005-010-8

Chapters in books
Cook N, de Ridder GA, d’Agostino M, Taylor MB. Internal amplification controls in real-time polymerase chain reaction-based methods for pathogen detection. In: Rodríguez-Lázaro D, editor. Real-time PCR in Food Science. Current Technology and Applications. Norfolk, Great Britain: Caister Academic Press; 2013. p. 35-42.

Taylor MB. Tracing the sources of outbreaks of food- and waterborne viral disease and outbreak investigation using molecular methods. In: Cook N, editor. Viruses in Food and Water: risks, surveillance and control. New Delhi: Woodhead Publishing Ltd.; 2013. P. 139-158.